

Director of Care Message – Lara Basso

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  3. Director of Care Message – Lara Basso

The COVID-19 restrictions have highlighted various global challenges. At Banfields Aged Care, the Management Team has reviewed the information and advice from the Federal and State Governments to mitigate risk within our facility. We are very aware of the advice that seniors over 70 should stay home, implementation of physical distancing measures within our home and the greater community restrictions enforced by Council, with the closing of various public spaces, including beaches and parks to prevent public gatherings.

Banfields has continued to open the doors to our living spaces and encouraged residents to access our beautiful outdoor garden spaces for fresh air and to hear and see the abundant birdlife. We have
also maintained physical distancing even though the Premier has provided guidance that a family does not need to be concerned about numbers and distancing in their own homes. We applied our infection control principles and have limited the number of residents in the cinema (for example) at any one time. If any resident misses the movie, we will run it again.

Visitation windows at the front of the facility have proven to be an invaluable innovative form of face-to-face communication and a booking system has been developed to support everyone to access special time for visits with loved ones, during COVID-19 restrictions. Please call reception to book a suitable time to visit your loved one, via one of our Visitation Windows. Skype calls and internal visitation in our cafe area are also behind Perspex screens.

Education sessions for staff and residents (separate and combined sessions) continue to occur regularly during the week. Our residents are aware of the Government’s past restrictions and acknowledge that persons in the community were also locked down in their homes.
Our Lifestyle Team and Client Liaison Manager are supporting Skype sessions throughout the week. The Noticeboard App has instructions on how to Skype the

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During these COVID-19 restrictions, Banfields continues to respond to each resident’s unique set of circumstances and assists with communicating with the families and addressing both the residents and relatives concerns when necessary.
To date, everyone is very well and enjoying the new offerings on the lifestyle calendar, which include frequent walks within the grounds of the facility, gardening, painting and sketching, meditation and our newest and possibly the most important initiative during this time, Pen Pal Workshops, which run a couple of times a week so nobody misses out. This new and exciting activity enables our residents stay connected with our community in a meaningful way and we are so blessed that they are actively embracing our Pen Pal initiative and sending in all sorts of lovely, creative letters, posters and collages.
I am proud the AACG team has reacted quickly to the Government’s advice surrounding the restrictions placed on residential aged care. We have many effective measures in place to protect our vulnerable community.
The Management Team would like to thank all of our residents, relatives and staff for their assistance in complying with the changing instructions and for their understanding of this ever-changing situation.
Of note, the Federal Government has mandated a compulsory Influenza Vaccination requirement for all persons who wish to enter residential aged care facilities.
Evidence of Influenza Vaccination is required and we request a copy of your vaccination history prior to your next visit. All staff and contractors at Banfields Aged Care are compliant with this new legislation.
The COVID-19 crisis has been challenging for many of us – mentally, physically, spiritually… As I wander through our beautiful home, I get a strong sense of calm and peace from staff and residents and this is reflective of our positive and supportive staff culture. I am truly proud of my staff and fortunate to work with such a compassionate, dedicated, resilient and transparent team of professionals.

Lara Basso
Director of Care

Jun 28, 2020