

“Living with purpose” the mantra at Banfields – Phillip Island & San Remo Advertiser

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  3. “Living with purpose” the mantra at Banfields – Phillip Island & San Remo Advertiser

Living with purpose is not just the mantra at Banfields Aged Care, but the lifestyle. It’s the core value and care philosophy implemented by the enthusiastic lifestyle department, led by Robyn Montague. Purpose in life and living with a motivated attitude underpins Banfield’s approach to residential aged care and is fundamental to the creation of a sense of belonging and ultimate wellbeing. This is certainly demonstrated by enthusiastic resident, Alan Forbes.

Every week, Alan is in charge of running the all important football tipping competition amongst the competitive and dedicated Banfields footy fanatics. During the football season, Alan ensures all 86 residents and staff submit their tips well before the first match kicks off on a Thursday night. No small feat! Alan has created a fun way to engage with all the residents and this nurtures a feeling of inclusiveness and community. Both Alan and the residents have achieved a great sense of satisfaction from
doing something they have enjoyed in their lives in the past. Footy tipping might have been a past passion for some or one they’re just discovering during their time at Banfields – thanks to Alan’s enthusiastic involvement.

Either way, rivalry is fierce and everyone at Banfields Aged Care is kicking goals in this game! First prize is a beautifully mounted football on which the winner’s name will be inscribed. It will be presented at a huge end of footy season party, where every club song will be sung.

A Richmond football jumper signed by the players is also in the offering, says Robyn. Current champion is Harry Bowman, who has won the trophy for the past six years.

There are some residents very keen to knock Harry off his pedestal this year,Robyn jokes. And the fun is all thanks to the work of Alan.

“Everyone who comes into Banfields needs a purpose, and Alan has certainly go this,” smiles Robyn. ”Living with a purpose is a core value and care philosophy at Banfields. It underpins our approach to residential aged care and is fundamental to the creation of a sense of belonging.”

“Alan loves doing this, and his efforts make it fun for everyone. Our residents love this competition and competing with one another.”
















Jun 23, 2022