


Frequently Asked Questions


Am I able to bring my own furniture?

All rooms and suites are fully furnished with quality, interior designed furniture, TVs, artwork and state of the art electric beds. However, residents may bring their own furniture, pictures, mementos and so on to personalise their rooms. For Occupational Health and Safety together with resident safety concerns, and taking into account the resident’s level of care, we reserve the right to assess beds and furniture items for suitability.

Can I connect telephone, wifi or Foxtel to my room?

Yes, there are provisions to connect these services to your room. If you wish to connect any of these services to your room, simply call Reception to arrange this. These services incur additional charges and will be billed and itemised directly to the resident’s account.

If I wish to leave the facility and visit friends or family for a week or two, is this possible?

Yes. Residents are allocated 52 days social leave per financial year without their fees or tenure being affected. Any social leave in excess of the allocated 52 days will require special financial arrangements if you wish to retain your place within the facility. If you wish to take social leave, please discuss this with the Clinical Care Manager or Admissions Manager ahead of time and they will be able to assist you.

Am I able to bring food into the facility?

Yes. You are welcome to bring food items for your own or your loved ones consumption into the facility. We do, however, request that you adhere to our policies and complete the relevant food safety documentation required. Please discuss this further with the Nurse in Charge when the need arises.

Can I bring my pet into the facility?

Unfortunately, residents are not permitted to keep individual pets in the facility. However, a well behaved and much loved family pet is welcome to visit any time. We keep a number of leads in the reception area for visitors to borrow, so you can walk your dog safely within the facility and the grounds.

What are the visiting hours?

There are no restrictions on visiting hours. Relatives, friends and advocates are able to visit any time at their convenience subject to COVID-19 requirements.

Quality Care & Support

Are special dietary requirements catered for?

Our qualified chef is able to meet all dietary requirements assessed on medical needs, cultural preferences and/or personal choice.

Can I come and go from the home as I please?

We are here to provide you with care, safety and security. You have all the same rights as a resident here as you do in your own home. Provided you are able, you can enjoy all the freedom you would at home. Please refer to the resident handbook.

Can I continue to see my own doctor?

Residents have the right to be attended to by a doctor of their choice. However, some doctors may be unable to visit our facility. We can assist you in choosing a doctor who already visits our facility if necessary. Should you want to change your doctor, please talk to us and we can provide you with the details of those who already visit our residents.

Tax & Financials

What happens to the refundable accommodation payment?

Banfields will hold the refundable accommodation payment in accordance with the Federal Government’s prudential arrangements. The refundable accommodation payment is refunded on discharge. Please refer to the My Aged Care website for more information.

What if I need to transfer to or from another facility?

If, as a resident, you need to transfer to another facility the balance of the accommodation payments will be returned to you. Payment will be returned to you as per the requirements of the Aged Care Act.

How is the daily fee calculated?

The daily fee is comprised of: A Basic Daily Care Fee and an Accommodation contribution based on your own set of circumstances. 

What is the Basic Daily Care Fee?

This fee is paid by all residents entering into an aged care facility. The amount is determined by the Department of Health and Human Services.

What is a Means Tested Care Fee?

The Commonwealth Government means tests all residents permanently entering any residential aged care facility. This fee is determined by Centrelink and is based on a calculation of income and assets and is “capped” by Commonwealth Government regulations.