

Maxine’s Secret Gardening

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  2. Banfields Aged Care
  3. Maxine’s Secret Gardening

If you’ve noticed some additional gardening efforts lately, you can thank one of our green-thumbed residents, Maxine, who has taken to her hobby with the utmost enthusiasm.

Eager to make the most of her time outdoors, Maxine has cultivated parts of our gardens in preparation for a vibrant Spring growth.

Not to be deterred by the Wintery blasts, we have also set up a table under the wide eaves of the facility, so she is able to work no matter what the weather conditions.

Maxine is very happy pottering around and growing horticulture (veggies and flowers) from mere seedings, so we are ready to enjoy the colours and tastes of Springtime soon!

Aug 24, 2020